Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Time Skip!!

As mentioned in today's comic, I've stopped trying to catch up with all the missed backdates and decided to time skip the comic to present time, so the comic that updates today represents a 3 years later kinda deal. I felt especially comfortable with this move cos I think I've settled what I need to settle in terms of storyline in the past so now I can time skip the comic without it being too awkward or long.

I think psychologically as well, the backdated-ness gives me this whole "I don't have to update now, let's settle all other stuff first" kinda feel in drawing this comic cos I don't feel the pressure of the current date that I need to update, so with this time skip, I'm hoping that I'll actually put importance in updating on time (though I'm pretty sure I'll miss some, but hopefully it won't be weeks or months anymore) like I do for my other comics that I collaborate with other people.

Don't worry though, I will insert little nuggets of what happened the 3 years that I skipped as we go along this new chapter in No Pink Ponies. I'm excited with this move and I think it'll be the start of a great era for this comic. So, please, enjoy the now presently timed No Pink Ponies.